Dear Pharmacy Professional, India is emerging out to be global leader in Pharmaceutical Technology. Pharmacy profession is an integral part of health care system. It is expanding up the horizon and setting a new trend with respect to the educational system and career opportunities. The position of pharmacist is probably the most egalitarian of all professions today. India's pharmaceutical sector is expected to touch US$ 74 billion in sales by 2020 from the current US$ 11 billion. These factors have contributed to an increased demand for pharmacists, rating India as the third-largest health professional group in the world and the sole profession specifically trained to deliver pharmaceutical services. Quality of medicines manufactured in India is proven to be of world class standard & many Indian Pharmaceutical Companies have taken a lead to capture world pharmaceutical market.
To compete with the world pharmaceutical Market we need world-class competent pharmacists in the area of Production, Research & Development, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Packaging, Regulatory, Sales & Marketing. We are very much happy to introduce The Shirpur Education Society’s R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmacy, Shirpur,(Established in 2003). A Pioneer Pharmacy Institute with a proclaimed objective to develop the students as competent pharmacist and highly qualified dedicated professionals. Driven by this vision, we have constantly put effort to grow our presence nationally. Our aim is to inculcate good academic practices into all our programmes, namely our research and publication programmes and practical oriented teaching.
Our highly experienced, committed and enterprising faculty members have increasingly worked on research problems as well as research oriented consulting and have made significant contribution to pharmacy theory and practices.
Our young bright students have developed their minds and have embarked upon promising careers in the Corporate World. We are committed towards our goal of nurturing knowledge and delivering values. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our campus, and discover for yourself what our institution could mean to you.
It is only with the whole hearted support, cooperation and confidence of the Management and staff in us that we will be able to fulfil our mission of providing new dimensions to education.
I am in no doubt while assuring the new entrants that we are determined to give them the best in a perfect organized way.