R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmacy was established in 2003 with the primary objective of providing value based health and technical education to aspiring candidates and mould out of them citizens who will make India proud in the 21st century. The Institute also aims for the all round development of the students to help them realize their full potential and career goals.
1. | HOD | Dr. N. G. Haswani | 9822887144 |
2. | Registrar | Mr. S. B. Rajput | 9420370436 |
3. | Training & Placement Officer | Mr. G. S. Bhandari | 9270541118 |
Principal & Complaints Resolution Officer
Dr. N. G. Haswani
Contact No.: (02563) 255189, M-09822887144
Email id- nitin_haswani@yahoo.com
Mr. S. B. Rajput
Contact No.: (02563) 255189, M-9420370436
Email: sujit99rajput@gmail.com